New To Sage Smudging? Start Here!

Sacred White Sage
Sage has a lot of uses besides the ones were used to in the kitchen!  It's been long considered a sacred herb by various Native American cultures, and has a history of medicinal uses.  

HGTV (author Megan Francis) describes sage as follows in their article titled Herbivore: The Scoop on Sage

"...From its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a fertility aid, to the Celtic belief that sage increases wisdom, sage has been one of the most sought-after herbs for thousands of years. In fact, some ancient cultures believe that sage could prevent aging altogether! No wonder sage’s botanical name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word for “to heal.” And the word sage can also mean “wise.”

Even today many people perform the ancient ritual of “smudging” a home or other kind of dwelling with smoldering sage. The smoke is said to cleanse the air, clear away negative vibes and replace them with positive, healing energy."


You can put the power of this herb to work for you in a traditional sage smudge ceremony (also sometimes called a sage smudge or sage blessing ritual).  This practice can be done by anyone... all you need is a white sage smudge stick or smudge kit, and some instructions.  Read here for our step-by-step guide to conducting your own sage smudge, and see if it works for you!

When to smudge?

When is a sage smudge appropriate?  Whenever you feel that something is amiss in your home, when you feel that the energy has shifted, or following negative events.  Here is a list of some other occasions when sage cleansing may be appropriate:

- New home or housewarming
- Birth of a baby (sage blessings / cleansing of baby nursery)
- Wedding ceremony (Bride and Groom are cleansed prior to vows, etc. at the start of a formal ceremony)
- Following a negative event or problem in your home
- New Years (This is a great New Years Day tradition!)
- Post-surgery or recovery from illness, especially when returning home from the hospital, sage has wonderful healing properties
-  Anytime you wish to celebrate a new space (office, restaurant opening, new business) and set a positive intention
- Post divorce or breakups
From its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a fertility aid, to the Celtic belief that sage increases wisdom, sage has been one of the most sought-after herbs for thousands of years. In fact, some ancient cultures believe that sage could prevent aging altogether! No wonder sage’s botanical name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word for “to heal.” And the word sage can also mean “wise.”
Even today many people perform the ancient ritual of “smudging” a home or other kind of dwelling with smoldering sage. The smoke is said to cleanse the air, clear away negative vibes and replace them with positive, healing energy.
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From its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a fertility aid, to the Celtic belief that sage increases wisdom, sage has been one of the most sought-after herbs for thousands of years. In fact, some ancient cultures believe that sage could prevent aging altogether! No wonder sage’s botanical name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word for “to heal.” And the word sage can also mean “wise.”
Even today many people perform the ancient ritual of “smudging” a home or other kind of dwelling with smoldering sage. The smoke is said to cleanse the air, clear away negative vibes and replace them with positive, healing energy.
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From its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a fertility aid, to the Celtic belief that sage increases wisdom, sage has been one of the most sought-after herbs for thousands of years. In fact, some ancient cultures believe that sage could prevent aging altogether! No wonder sage’s botanical name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word for “to heal.” And the word sage can also mean “wise.”
Even today many people perform the ancient ritual of “smudging” a home or other kind of dwelling with smoldering sage. The smoke is said to cleanse the air, clear away negative vibes and replace them with positive, healing energy.
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From its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a fertility aid, to the Celtic belief that sage increases wisdom, sage has been one of the most sought-after herbs for thousands of years. In fact, some ancient cultures believe that sage could prevent aging altogether! No wonder sage’s botanical name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word for “to heal.” And the word sage can also mean “wise.”
Even today many people perform the ancient ritual of “smudging” a home or other kind of dwelling with smoldering sage. The smoke is said to cleanse the air, clear away negative vibes and replace them with positive, healing energy.
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From its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a fertility aid, to the Celtic belief that sage increases wisdom, sage has been one of the most sought-after herbs for thousands of years. In fact, some ancient cultures believe that sage could prevent aging altogether! No wonder sage’s botanical name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word for “to heal.” And the word sage can also mean “wise.”
Even today many people perform the ancient ritual of “smudging” a home or other kind of dwelling with smoldering sage. The smoke is said to cleanse the air, clear away negative vibes and replace them with positive, healing energy.
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From its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was used as a fertility aid, to the Celtic belief that sage increases wisdom, sage has been one of the most sought-after herbs for thousands of years. In fact, some ancient cultures believe that sage could prevent aging altogether! No wonder sage’s botanical name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word for “to heal.” And the word sage can also mean “wise.”
Even today many people perform the ancient ritual of “smudging” a home or other kind of dwelling with smoldering sage. The smoke is said to cleanse the air, clear away negative vibes and replace them with positive, healing energy.
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